A promise is a comfort to a fool. Faithful promise mek fool glad - (A faithful promise makes a fool glad). These are popular sayings that we have often heard and maybe even use. This is true to an extent because in our fallen world, most, if not all of us have, at some point in our lives, experienced the pain and hurt of a broken promise. Such a saying issues a caution to those who blindly trust in promises made to us, especially if it known that such persons are unreliable or insincere. It paints a glaring picture of one who sets himself up to be disappointed by another. Ideally, your word should be your bond, and this should be the driving force to guarantee that any promise you make is fulfilled. However, not everyone subscribes to this idea, and so are often guilty of making willy nilly, empty and impulsive promises, without proper thought or a plan of action as to how they will be fulfilled. This often leaves a trail of heartbreak, betrayal, anger and a myriad of other negative emotions.

May I remind you though, that there is One who never fails to keep His promises? He is God, our Promise Keeper. His promises are sure. They are yea and amen (2 Cor 1: 20).  He is not a man that He should lie (Number 23:19) and he never goes back on His word. He watches over His Word to perform it (Jeremiah 1:12) and it will not return to Him void but will accomplish the purpose for which it was  sent (Isaiah 55:11). As we would say in Jamaica, yuh can put yuh pot on fire' (you can be assured) because His word will never fail!

Are you waiting for God to fulfill a promise? Waiting is not easy. It requires patience, and patience is a virtue with a lot of 'wait'. Do not look at the contrary winds and circumstances. Instead, focus on what God has said. Set your face like a flint. Do not be unstable and double minded. Remain in faith. In addition, remember that we are in a spiritual war and the enemy of our souls will leave no stone unturned in his efforts to thwart the plans of God. However, we can take comfort in the fact that the victory has already been won, and so we are fighting from a position of victory because the plans of God are forever settled, firmly established in heaven and cannot be thwarted.

George Foreman, acclaimed boxer turned ordained minister, scored a seemingly impossible victory over Michael Moorer in their fight on November 5, 1994 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Foreman's wife had received a prophetic Word from the Lord that he would have won the fight, but the circumstances of the fight seemed to dictate otherwise. As Foreman lost round after round, from round one to round nine, he could have given up. He could have thrown in the towel, he could have thrown in his gloves, but he pressed on. He did not look at the contrary winds and the negative circumstances which seemed to totally contradict the Word. Then came round ten! A stunning knockout punch from Foreman sealed the deal and gave him the victory. The power packed punch seemed effortless, but it is reported that it was powerful enough to break Moorer's mouthpiece in two. Elated, Foreman fell to his knees in prayer, thanking God for the miraculous victory. He had come back from what seemed like sure defeat, against all odds, to win the fight and fulfil the promise of God. The phoenix had arisen from the ashes. 

Again, I implore you, wait on the Lord, no matter how long it takes. His word will come to pass. His promise to you will be fulfilled. At the right time, I the Lord will make it happen. (Isaiah 60:22). Wait patiently for your round ten.


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