
Showing posts with the label self -care

Health and Wellness: Self-Care Part 2

  I was not the best student of Economics in high school, but there is one principle from the subject that has remained stuck in my head over all these years – the law of diminishing returns. In layman’s terms, this law states that after a certain point, further investment or effort does not increase your output or expected return. It can, in fact, reduce it. In comparison to us as humans, when you spent time engaged in a task, you are expending effort. After a while, you get tired. The natural thing is to take a break, however, maybe because of a pressing deadline or some other factor, you continue to push, tired as you are. The more tired you become, the less you concentrate. You lose focus and so the quality of the output is less than desired. The law of diminishing returns set in and so the extra time spent after reaching your peak were wasted as you failed to achieve your intended target. Simply put, the more tired you are, the less you produce. The solution? Take a break.