
Showing posts with the label 'encouragement'

Words of Inspiration - Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

I am sure you have often heard the phrase 'comfort zone', but what does it mean? According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a comfort zone is  a  situation  in which you  feel   comfortable  and in   which  your   ability  and  determination  are not being  tested . A Google search returned the following definitions:         1.  A  settled working method that requires little effort and yields only barely                     acceptable results.          2.  A situation where one feels safe or at ease.   Having established a comfort zone, I am sure we can all identify with this state. In fact, it is a place where most of us like to be. It is a place of ease, where little effort is required. It's life on Easy Street. I borrow a few lines from the theme song from the old TV comedy of the same name: I love to live on Easy Street, nobody works on Easy Street, just sit around all day.... In everything, there is good and bad. So, while easy street/comfort zone may be a good stop for


  Recently, I went to the Inland Revenue Department (Tax Office) to conduct business. I arrived at about 8:15 a.m. and joined the line, anticipating the 8:30 a.m. opening. The sun was already brutally hot, and I wondered if the powers that be had ever thought of covering the entire waiting area, so that clients could be a little more comfortable while waiting. I had totally forgotten that it was a common practice for some public sector workers to be given a ‘bligh’ at the Tax Office, once they showed their work identification. I went anticipating a long wait, so I brought a book to read in order to make pass the time profitably. As I stood in the line, I saw someone with a familiar face and a huge smile approaching me. I smiled back, but for the life of me could not remember who she was or where we had met. I had seen her twice before at the Tax Office and realized that she was an employee but did not get a chance to speak to her. Now here she was standing in front of me – The third ti

An Excerpt From Memorial Stones Volume 2

  The Power of Your Testimony My mouth shall shew forth thy righteousness  and  thy salvation all the day; for I know not the numbers  thereof.  (Psalm 71:15. KJV)   A testimony is a powerful weapon. The word ‘testimony’ is derived from the Latin testis , which means ‘ witness’ . According to, witness means – attestation of a fact or event; able to ascertain the veracity of such fact or event. In a court of law, the outcome of the case is heavily dependent on the word of witnesses during a trial. A testimony establishes a truth which can be relied on as it is the first-hand experience of an event. This is supported by the Jamaican saying, ‘hearsay can’t go a law’ (Hearsay cannot be used as evidence in a court of law). As it is in the court of law, so it is in the life of a believer. Sharing your testimony is a very important habit for every Christian to develop, one which should be encouraged as there are many benefits which can redound from doing so. Tho