Recently, I went to the Inland Revenue Department (Tax Office) to conduct business. I arrived at about 8:15 a.m. and joined the line, anticipating the 8:30 a.m. opening. The sun was already brutally hot, and I wondered if the powers that be had ever thought of covering the entire waiting area, so that clients could be a little more comfortable while waiting. I had totally forgotten that it was a common practice for some public sector workers to be given a ‘bligh’ at the Tax Office, once they showed their work identification. I went anticipating a long wait, so I brought a book to read in order to make pass the time profitably.
As I stood in the line, I saw someone with a familiar face and a huge smile approaching me. I smiled back, but for the life of me could not remember who she was or where we had met. I had seen her twice before at the Tax Office and realized that she was an employee but did not get a chance to speak to her. Now here she was standing in front of me – The third time’s the charm, they say. She grabbed my hand and utteres one word, ‘come!” And just like that, I was escorted into the office. By this time, it was about 8:25 a.m. When we got to the door, she told the Security Guard, ‘she’s with me’ and then directed me to stand in front of the Customer Service counter. I was now number one in line, enjoying the cool air conditioning, a far cry from being almost at the back in the hot morning sun.
Promptly at 8:30 a.m. I spoke to the Customer Service officer at the front desk and was then ushered to the cashier. I conducted my transaction and within a few minutes I was done. Amazing!. My friend eventually came back and we got to talking. It turned out we had worked together at another public sector department years before. We had forgotten each other’s names, but not faces, so we re-introduced ourselves, exchanged numbers and decided to keep in touch. I expressed my gratitude to her and went back to my office far earlier than I had anticipated. I never read a word from that book, but later on, just the fact that I had it in hand, sparked a conversation which bore fruit.
Back in office, I settled down to do some work, or so I thought! A few minutes later a colleague came by, announcing that our colleague’s young son, Amauri, was in hospital, and there was an urgent need for blood in order for surgery to take place. She wanted to know if I was willing to be a donor. It was a no brainer for me! I was in good health and I knew my blood count was at the required level, having received blood test results a few days prior. It was the perfect opportunity to pay it forward and help someone in need. God had just extended grace and favour to me at the Tax Office, so I gladly agreed to be a donor, and along with two other persons, were transported to the Blood Bank.
Again, I brought my book along and this led to another interesting encounter with a doctor at the facility. Before interviewing me she asked about the book I had in my hand. She wanted to know if I was the author. I responded in the negative but told her that I was, nevertheless, an author. Interestingly, as we spoke later, she mentioned that she often prayed over her children at bedtime, asking God to give her miraculous testimonies of his goodness to them, a statement which piqued my interest, as my books were based on the same topic, testimonies of God’s goodness and faithfulness. My curiosity grew and I asked her if she was a Christian. She responded in the affirmative and I was immediately led to share with her about my books. She became excited and took asked for my contact number as she wanted to read about my testimonies.
In another twist of events, one of the potential blood donors was not allowed to give blood as she had recently acquired a tattoo. It was even more significant that I had agreed to make my donation, as every drop of blood was needed. Thankfully, the surgery went well and with the prayers that went up on his behalf, Amauri is out of hospital and on his way to a full recovery. Please join me in standing in the gap on behalf of Amauri and his parents as they face the challenges, financial, emotional and otherwise, that come with having a loved one who is not in the best of health.
Lessons from this testimony:
When God decides to elevate you, nothing can stop it. In one fell swoop, He moves you from the back of the line, straight to the front.
Pay it forward. You have been blessed to be a blessing. Do good to others as often as the opportunity arises.
Capitalize on the moment. Use every opportunity to share your story with others. It is powerful and worthy to be told.
I end with a few words from the song of a famous singer, it was “God’s plan”. The events of that day did not happen by chance. They were divinely orchestrated by God. I was in the right place at the right time.
To God be all the glory.


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