Words of Inspiration - Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

I am sure you have often heard the phrase 'comfort zone', but what does it mean?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a comfort zone is situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested.

A Google search returned the following definitions:

        1.  A settled working method that requires little effort and yields only barely                     acceptable results.

        2.  A situation where one feels safe or at ease.

 Having established a comfort zone, I am sure we can all identify with this state. In fact, it is a place where most of us like to be. It is a place of ease, where little effort is required. It's life on Easy Street. I borrow a few lines from the theme song from the old TV comedy of the same name:

I love to live on Easy Street, nobody works on Easy Street, just sit around all day....

In everything, there is good and bad. So, while easy street/comfort zone may be a good stop for a while, it cannot be a permanent stop. Yes, there are times when we have to take it easy. There are times when we have to rest and practice self-care, but as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. There comes a time when you must heed a certain call and step out of your comfort zone, as difficult as it may be.

To live a fulfilled life, you must make the effort to overcome the obstacles in your way, the biggest of which is, in most cases, FEAR - false evidence appearing real, which can be crippling, if not nipped in the bud.

Disadvantages of staying in your comfort zone

Life cannot be lived totally in your comfort zone because there is no growth in your comfort zone. When you stop growing and learning, you die, not necessarily in the physical sense, but mentally, emotionally and socially, just to name a few. When you stick to the same routine day in day out, monotony, boredom and complacency become the order of the day.

Staying in your comfort zone robs you of the opportunity to learn new skills, form new relationships, gain new experiences and advancing in your career. If you are not willing to try something new, you will never know if you would have succeeded at it.

Advantages of stepping out of your comfort zone

Stepping out of your comfort zone requires determination and intentionality. It involves taking risks, but more often than not, it is well worth the risk. The rewards far outweigh the pain and struggle involved. As the saying goes, no pain, no gain. Stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something new is actually good for you! Here is proof from Psychology Today:

1. Doing something new helps build flexible thinking and 'wakes up' your brain, which is part of mental wellness.

2. When you engage in a new experience, the brain is likely to release the hormone dopamine, which improves your mood and overall well-being.

I can attest to this fact. Just a few days ago, I visited a particular restaurant for the first time. I had heard glowing reports about the quality of the food and the ambience there and wanted to experience it for myself, but never got around to it. So, on Sunday, instead of cooking, I headed to the restaurant. Though there was not much activity at that time of day, I was able to look around and enjoy the ambience and order one of my favourite meals. I decided there and then, that it would certainly not be my last visit. I definitely plan to return, next time, with friends. It was a good experience and I am happy that I took the time to do something different that day. And to top it off, I learnt a new route on the way home.  

So, what are you waiting for? It's time to step out of your comfort zone. Commit today to do something you have never done before, no matter how small.  It will be worth your while. The world is your oyster, so step out and grab life with both hands. Don't live in regret!

I end by sharing with you this poem that I wrote in 2022. Enjoy and step out!

Stepping Out

As I step out today
I remind myself
That I'm a child of the Most High God
The daughter of a King
Yes, I am an overcomer
More than a conqueror am I
I can do all things through Christ
Who gives me His strength.
It is well, it is well, it is well
I will pursue, overtake and recover
I will not be afraid, because He is with me.
It is my time to fulfill purpose
So, I go forth with boldness
I am .... stepping out!





Vaughn, Sarah. Sarah Sings Soulfully, 1963.


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