Devotional - A Divinely Ordained Delay



For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways.
 In their hands, they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone

Psalm 91:11-12 New King James Version (NKJV)

Recently I had an experience that I believe was divinely ordained. I was about to head home after a women’s meeting at church. I got in the car and turned the key in the ignition. Nothing. Strange, I thought. I took the key out and tried again. Still nothing. I did all the checks. The car was in drive, the footbrake had been released. So why wasn’t the car moving? I decided not to panic. At the suggestion of one of my passengers, I took out the key again, waited a few minutes, and then try to restart the engine. The result was the same. I was at a loss.

Then my friend decided to seek the assistance of one of the deacons. He came, he tried and got the same result. He thought maybe there was an issue with the battery. He checked and everything was fine. Then when he sensed that I was getting worried, he asked “Did you pray?” I replied in the negative. So, we proceeded to pray and commit the matter to God, asking him to reveal what was wrong.

Another deacon was summoned to assist. His first question was “Do you have a kill switch on?”.

And then I remembered! Indeed, I had the kill switch on!

I quickly reached down and turned it off and then turned the key in the ignition once again. The engine sprang to life. Relief washed over me. Problem solved.

My memory had failed once again. I had totally forgotten about the kill switch. It did not even enter my mind to check when the car failed to start. Then I remembered another incident prior when my memory had failed, and I realized that God had allowed it for a reason.

I believe that that was the same reason why I had this recent experience. Abba Father, in His wisdom, saw it was not good for me to leave and be on the road at the time that I wanted and had planned. So, He orchestrated a divine delay in the form of memory loss. He ensured that I was kept from harm and as His Word instructs us, I give thanks in everything because it is His will for us to do so, even if we cannot understand why.

I don’t know exactly why I was delayed. It could have been an accident waiting. I could have arrived home earlier and found myself in the wrong place at the wrong time. As I recalled the 9/11 attacks in the United States, many lives were spared because those persons had experienced some sort of delay and thus were not able to get to work at the usual time. One person had stopped to get coffee, another was delayed because the new pair of shoes they were wearing had caused blisters, so they stopped to purchase a band-aid. What had seemed to be minor irritations and annoyances had a major impact because their lives were spared.

I may not have all the answers, but I know that angels were watching over me. They had been sent on assignment to guard me so that no weapon formed against me would prosper. I totally believe that I had experienced a God-ordained delay.

I give all the glory and praise to God.  He continues to be faithful and true, building His hedge of protection around His children.


In what ways have you seen God’s handoff protection in your life?

How have you been impacted by this/these experience(s)?

What lessons have you learned from this/these experience(s)?


Father, I thank you for your hand of protection on my life. Thank you that you are always with me and will never forsake me. Thank you that as I surrender to you, you will order my steps and cause all things to work together for my good. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lona Isaacs

Feb 13, 2022.




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