Devotional - A New Lease on Life



Everything that we have—right thinking and right living, a clean slate and a fresh start—comes from God by way of Jesus Christ...” Romans 8:11 (MSG)


It is said that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and I recently had a personal experience that proves that this saying is quite true.

Recently, I threw out an old fan which I had bought years ago when I started working after leaving University. Though it could still function somewhat, it wasn’t as effective as when I first bought it. Constant use over the years had started to take its toll.  It could no longer rotate; it had started to rust and the head was almost severed from the trunk. To me, it was not worth fixing. It seemed useless so I threw it out. Out with the old, in with the new.

To my surprise, within a few hours it had found a new owner. My neighbour took it from the garbage heap, cleaned it off, used a piece of cloth to tie the almost severed head and in no time, he had a “new” fan. He had taken that which was discarded and declared useless and given it a new lease on life.

While the old saying proves to be true, there are even greater spiritual truths that can be gleaned from this experience. Firstly, there is the truth of God’s loving grace and mercy towards us. He extended His hands of love towards us when we were dead in our trespasses and sins, giving us eternal life through the gift of His Son. He gave us life which we did not deserve. He lifted us out of the miry clay and set our feet on a rock (Psalm 40:2).

Secondly, not only does He save us, but He continues to keep us. He is patient and kind towards us. He doesn’t give up on us when we make mistakes. He continues to extend forgiveness, again, even when we do not deserve it. When we consider ourselves useless and without worth, He continues to remind us that we are precious to Him, so much so that He numbers the very hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:30).

Thirdly, He continues to prove Himself faithful when others have given up on us and thrown us on the scrap heap of life. Where others see disappointment, failure, and uselessness, He sees value, potential and worth. He looks beneath the surface and sees us for who we really are and what we can become. He picks us up, brushes us off and mends our broken hearts. He is close to the broken hearted and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3). When others forsake us, He never does.

What a God of love and mercy! He remains faithful, giving us new mercies every morning. He reminds us in His word that His steadfast love for us never ceases (Lamentations 3:22-23). He continues to mould us and make us into the image of His Son as we surrender ourselves to Him daily. Like that old broken-down fan, God can restore us and make us new. With each new day, He gives us a new lease on life.



Father, I thank you that you never give up on us. Thank you for your unconditional love which never changes. Thank you for new mercies each day and that you that you remain faithful to us even when we are unfaithful. As you extend love and mercy to us each day, help us in turn to extend love and mercy to others. In Jesus’ name. Amen



  1. This is so fresh and refreshing to my spirit! Thank you.

  2. God is indeed gracious. Thanks for looking through his lens to paint such an accurate picture of God's love for me.

  3. Replies
    1. It is good to know that He loves us in spite of our shortcomings.

  4. Arrow on Target, thanks for the reminder.
    GOD of Mercy and Grace= LOVE.
    Indeed HE Is LOVE.

  5. Good writing Lona. Your stories are a blessing

  6. Really nice, I am encouraged just from reading the material

  7. I am so happy that you have been encouraged. Continue to hold on to God's unchanging hands. He never fails and continues to give us a new lease on life evev when we fall short. Bless you!!


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