Devotional - Hidden Things


Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Hebrews 12:1


I was pleasantly surprised when what was hidden came to light. I had just bought a new fridge and two of my neighbours were assisting by taking it into the apartment. In order to create additional space at the entrance to the living room, some furniture had to be moved out of the way. It was then that I got my big surprise. Hidden behind the furniture were items I had long forgotten about, things of value that could certainly be put to good use. What were those things? A phone charger and a key ring. How did they get there? I have no idea.

As I pondered what had happened, I could immediately see the parallels in our lives. Often there are hidden things in our lives that can only be revealed when we remove the ‘furniture’ aka blockages and obstacles in our way. These hidden things often lie beneath the surface, forgotten, dormant or undiscovered. But once brought to life they are found to be useful tools needed to fulfill our God-given purpose.

The furniture that needed to be moved represents those besetting sins which the Bible warns us about, the ones that we ignore to our detriment because we cannot be bothered to put in the required effort. However, it is imperative that we set aside those things so that we can patiently run the race that is set before us, taking care not to disappoint the great cloud of witnesses that is watching and spurring us on to victory.  We need to get rid of the things that cloud our vision and hold us back - the bad habits, the anger, the anxieties, the doubts, the fears, the little foxes that spoil the vine.

And what are those hidden things in our lives? The phone charger represents the power that we have but are unaware of because we are not connected to the Source. We, therefore, walk in darkness, ignorant of what really lies within, the power that sits dormant, waiting to be tapped into and activated, the possibility of things that can be.  Only with directed effort and intentionality can we fully realize the potential within which emerges as we open ourselves and allow the light of God shine in, illuminating the darkness and bringing revelation and understanding. A cell phone cannot work effectively and efficiently without first being charged up, by being plugged into the power supply. Neither will we realize our true potential unless we plug in and consume the Word of God, our source. We do not live by bread, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

It is the Father’s good will to give us the keys to the kingdom. Keys represent authority and power. God has given us the key of David which shuts doors that no man can open and opens doors that no man can shut. A key is useless if it is not put to use. God wants us to use the keys that He has given us to make a difference in this. He desires that we walk in wisdom, knowledge, truth, and understanding. He sets before us life and death and it is our prerogative to choose wisely. The Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of truth lives within us and leads us into all truth. Knowledge and application of the truth will set us free.

So what steps are you willing to take? What are those obstacles that you must move out of the way so that your hidden things can be brought forth and put to good use for the Kingdom of God? Are you willing and ready to do whatever it takes? Are you willing to ask for the help that you need?

Get moving. God is depending on you.

Pause to Reflect

What are the hidden things (obstacles) that prevent you from being what God has called you to be?

How will you remove these obstacles from your life?


Father, give us the courage and the discipline to deal with the obstacles that get in the way of us being who you want us to be. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Treasures unnoticed have the greatest value. Show me the hidden things

    1. Indeed that should be the cry of our hearts. Blessings to you!!

  2. That indeed was quite a 'now' word for me. You brought everything to light here. Note to self: Get rid of the things that cloud your vision!

    1. Amen sis. This calls for tunnel vision. Eyes on the prize. Nothing else matters.

  3. Great reading, may God grant us clear vision to see things the way He wants so we can serve Him in a better way.

  4. We all can attest to your findings and the way that the Good Lord wants to use us. Let us continue to reach out and ask the Good Lord to help us identify our talents and ways that we need to serve. You are blessed.

  5. There are hidden obstacles that become a hinderance from being the person God wants us to be.This is such a good testimony to enhance our spiritual lives.

    1. Yes we must examine ourselves and admit our shortcomings and be willing to make amends. Thanks fort your input.


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