Devotional - God Can Clean Up Your Mess




And we know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8: 28


One day I became very concerned about a friend who appeared to be making some very poor choices with regards to her Christian life. I prayed and committed the situation to the Lord and asked the Lord to open her spiritual eyes and give her wisdom to make the right choices.

Later as I prepared dinner, I looked at the dirty bowls and dishes and thought “What a mess!”. Immediately the Lord spoke to me saying “But imagine the end product!”.  I thought of the lovely meal that I would have to enjoy at the end of the process. I thought also of the muffins that I had gone out of my way to make, and how I would enjoy them.

My heart was filled with hope. I knew that this was a word from the Lord. He was reassuring me that even though my friend’s life seemed to be a mess right now, the end product would be something beautiful. God would use her mistakes, failures and missteps to create something wonderful. He would indeed cause all things to work together for her good.  I knew God was telling me that He was still in control even though it didn’t look like it at the moment. He was going to clean up the mess and turn it into a message.

And the same is true for you and me. God sees our faults, our mistakes and our shortcomings. In spite of this, He still extends His love to us. His love for us is unconditional so there is nothing we can do to change the magnitude and depth of His love for us – His love remains constant as His Word tells us that there is no shadow of turning in Him.  He knew and chose us before the foundations of the world and has good plans for us. Nothing happens to us outside of His knowledge and so in His wisdom and sovereignty He has designed a way to cause everything, even the messy things to redound to our benefit and growth as He transforms us into the image of His dear Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.


Father, I thank you that you have good plans for us. Thank you that you are able to take our mistakes, failures, disappointment and messy situations and make something beautiful out of them. Thank you that you cause all things to work together for our good and that your love for us is unchanging. Help us to put our complete trust and confidence in you Sovereign God. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.


  1. Amen and amen. Praise God He turns our mess into a message. Hallelujah 🙌👏🙏

  2. Our God is faithful, still in control. Nothing takes him by surprise, so indeed no matter what life throws at us, it will work out for our good in the end. It will turn into something beautiful. Hallelujah!

    1. What a comfort to know that He has our back and that we will always win with Him in our boat.

  3. God is truly amazing.He can clean up my mess and turn it into a message.

    1. Isn't He just awesome? As Pastor Al always says, none of our experience is wasted! He uses everything for His glory. Thank God that he doesn't throw our marred clay away.


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