Devotional - God's Lavish Love

See what great love the Father has lavished on us that we should be called the children of God!

1 John 3:1

Recently, I had some business cards printed in order to advertise my new business in editing services. I had ordered 100 cards but when I received the package and checked, I realized that I had received 108. I sent a message to the printer informing him of this as I assumed it was an error. He responded by indicating that he was aware that I had received more than I had paid for. He explained that it was the norm for the business to give 'extras' to its clients. I then recalled that the same thing had happened when I had my first book, Memorial Stones,  printed by that same printer. At that time, he had told me upfront that he had put in a few extra copies at no extra cost and I was extremely grateful.

As I thought about what had transpired, my mind was taken back to the verse in 1 John 3:1 about the love which God so freely lavishes on us. His love is a gift that keeps on giving. In keeping with the unconditional nature of His love, He continues to pour it on in increasing measure, whether we deserve it or not.  He does not stop, and neither does He keep a record of our wrongs and withhold His love as punishment. His love flows continually and extravagantly to us. A popular gospel song expresses it thus, 'Jesus you love me too much, oh too much oh, too much oh, excess love oh'. His love for us is kind and patient. He fills our hearts with joy. He is tenderhearted and forgiving. 

According to, the word lavish means:  expended, bestowed, or occurring in profusion; using or giving in great amounts; to expend or give in great amounts without limit.

There are hardly enough words to describe the manner of love that God has for us. There is no limit to the love of God. One song says that His love for us is extravagant. It knows no bounds.  He gives what is expected and more. He gives us 'brawta' as we say in our Jamaican language.

His amazing, unconditional and profuse love is extended to us, and once we accept this love we become His children. This ultimate act of love was the laying down of the life of His only son for our redemption.

In a world where everyone is looking for love, in a world where everyone is asking 'I wanna love is, I want you to show me', we have free access to the ultimate example, this incredible, indescribable love of God. Daily he loadeth us with blessings as an indication of His marvellous love.

The offer is on the table. Will you accept His lavish love today? The choice is yours!


In what ways have I seen the love of God manifested in my life?

How can I extend this love to others?


Father, we thank you for your precious love for us. May we live in gratitude for the fact that your love for us will never cease. In Jesus' name. Amen.


  1. Oh what a Love God has for us He continue to blow our mind. Powerful Lona

    1. Amen. Indeed He does each and every day.

    2. Good sound solid wood sis. Proud of you my friend and sister.

    3. Thank you. God bless you bro Michael

  2. With professional business people you will always get extras, let your blessings flow sis

  3. God's love for us is beyond human understanding. May we as God's people show love to those around us that they may come to know the God of love.

    1. True words sis. The world would be a better place if we practice to love others as God has commanded

  4. Very inspiring message with description that will help one to understand what they read clearly because there are definition to help . God is an amazing God we can never imagine what true love is but God putting it like it is to help us understand. Thanks Lona my name sake

    1. You're most welcome Lona. Blessings to you. It is a joy to know that God's love for us will never change, even when we change

  5. Timely reminder and so we must start from a place of gratitude, thankfulness and praise for all His loving kindnesses and mercies bestowed upon us. From this place we are then able to demonstrate His love in meaningful ways to those with whom we come in contact as He has commanded us to love each other.

    1. God bless you. Koffee was on point when she sang that gratitude is a must. God hates murmuring and complaining. If we stop and look we will see that there are far more things to be grateful for. May God give us the grace to change our ways and give Him thanks in everything.

  6. Beautifully written. I too am amazed by God's indescribable, unconditional love.

  7. Thanks Janslo. All we can do is just bask in this love.

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