Devotional - The Ultimate Father


When my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up.

Psalm 27:10

Daddy. Dad. Papa.Pops. Pa. These are but some of the names we use to describe our earthly father, the person who gave us life, cared for us, and protected us as children.  This was the person to whom we looked for guidance and protection as we navigated our way in a big scary world filled with challenges and obstacles. We were comforted by the fact that there was someone to whom we could turn. We had no worries because our daddy was present and provided the security that we needed.

The love of a father is a life-changing experience for a child. A child develops a sense of safety and security when a father plays an active and supportive role in their life.  When a father teaches, loves, guides and provides, he gives his child the right environment which moulds him into a well-rounded individual, equipped with the right tools to make a meaningful contribution to society and the world at large. 

Sadly, there are many who cannot relate to the scenario being presented. While most fathers can be commended for taking their roles as fathers seriously, there are some who have been delinquent and have not fulfilled their obligations in this regard. Many have been totally absent from the life of their child or children, while others, though physically present, are emotionally absent or unavailable.  This has led to untold suffering, pain, and hurt on the part of their offspring who have been robbed of the great and wonderful opportunity to experience the love of a father. 

Thankfully, that is not the end of the story. Though earthly fathers may fail, our loving Heavenly Father does not fail. The Psalmist attests to this in Psalm 27:10. When our earthly fathers fall short in carrying out their duties, God himself steps in and takes care of those who have been neglected and abandoned.

He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. He supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory. As the Father of all Fathers, He made the ultimate sacrifice of love by sending His only son to die for the sins of the world. He lavishes his love upon us and daily loads us with benefits. He is tenderhearted and compassionate towards us, not holding our sins against us but always patient with us and willing to forgive. We can be confident that He, the ultimate Father will do and continue to do what He says He will do because He honours His Word above His name. What more could we ask for?

As we honor our earthly fathers today, let us not forget our Heavenly Father, the Ultimate Father. Praise Him and magnify Him today. Call upon Him. Whatever you call him.....Abba. Father. Daddy. He hears and He answers.

Reflection (for fathers)

How has God the Father demonstrated His love to me?

How can I extend this love to others around me including my own children?


Father, we thank you for your precious love for us. Thank you that you are the father of all fathers, who never leaves us nor forsakes us. Thank you for your steadfast and unconditional love for us. May we continue to rest in you, confident that your plans for us are good and so you will cause all things to work together for our good. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


  1. Such a timely reminder as we reflect on father's day tomorrow.

  2. What an example to follow, our heavenly Father! May all our earthly fathers strive to he like Him.


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