Words of Inspiration - Gratitude Is a Must!


As I walked through my neighborhood early one morning this week, my heart overflowed with joy and gratitude. As I took in the sights and sounds, felt the cool breeze, and saw the sun slowly spread out its warm rays, I gave thanks to God for such wonderful blessings. 

I looked towards the lush green mountains I was reminded of Psalm 121,' I will lift my eyes to the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the maker of heaven and earth'. Casting my gaze to the intersection where the mountains kissed the sky, Psalm 19 came to mind, 'The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork'. God's green earth and magnificent heaven were certainly on display and I thank God that I was blessed with sight to be a witness of this spectacle.

I then began to reflect on my own personal situation. The little C had found me but you would never know if I did not tell you. I was down but certainly not out. I was just experiencing a little bump in the road. I was fortunate to be displaying little or no symptoms and I was grateful because many have not been as fortunate. Many of those who were found by the little C are no longer in the land of the living. Countless others were hospitalized and came close to death's door. But God is faithful!

My mind then traveled backward to three weeks prior. A minor accident at home had left me temporarily immobile, unable to walk for two days. What appeared to be a minor nuisance turned out to be a major hassle. A kitchen fork falling onto my foot was brushed aside without a thought but a few hours later pain, swelling and incapacitation became my reality. Moving from place to place required great effort, as I had to hold onto furniture for support and hop on the whole leg. I did not have crutches, which would have made the process much smoother. But thanks be to God, the injured leg then, is once again whole. I can walk freely and unhindered. That is in itself, a great blessing.

So  I am giving thanks in everything, big and small, good and bad. The Word of God commands us to do so because it is His will for us. To borrow a line from Koffee, 'gratitude is a must!'. Giving thanks changes your perspective and that, in turn, contributes to a greater sense of joy and peace and eventually changes your life. Giving thanks also changes your attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude.

What can you give thanks for today? Challenge yourself. Look around you. You will not have to look too far. There are often many things right under your nose that you are overlooking. Stop and smell the roses. Do away with murmuring and complaining. An old song reminds us to count our blessings, naming them one by one, while yet another reminds us to give thanks for what we have because the things that we have are just a dream for many other people.

I recall reading a story about a man who had lost hope and decided to take his life. He went up into a tree, ate the last banana that he had, and threw the skin to the ground. To his surprise, someone came along, took it up, and proceeded to eat. He was flabbergasted, but at the same time, he realized that all was not lost. He saw that there was someone in a worse position than he was and that restored his hope.

Move from Grumble Street to Gratitude Avenue. You will be better off for it. If laughter is the best medicine, then gratitude is definitely next in line.


  1. Lona, your blog always ministers life. Your life has purpose. Keep sending out these blogs

  2. Thank you so much my friend. I am committed to fulfilling God's purpose for my life, so I will definitely continue to do so by utilizing what He has placed in my hand. Have a blessed day.

  3. As usual I am blessed, God takes me every moment to say thank you. Last year in the hospital, I was told, sandy you say thank you for everything my mom taught me to always say it God keeps reminding me,vthank you lona, you are God's blessings to us

    1. Sandy, thank you so much for your comment. Your mom taught you well. Continue to give thanks my sister.

  4. Always enjoy reading these blogs. The take away is a blessing.

    1. Thank you so much. Every blessing to you and your household.

  5. Wow! what inspiration and encouragement! Thank you so much. There's nothing more inpactful in giving hope than sharing our own personal experiences.Very uplifting. God bless and keep you shining and grareful.

    1. Thank you Sister Marcia. It is an honour to serve others in this way.

  6. Excellent word my sister the importance of giving God thanks cannot be overstated it's extremely important to make it a habit.


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