Devotional - Plug Into The Source

 I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.  John 15: 5

It was very hot, muy caliente, and so, in a desperate bid to get relief, I turned on my fan. But the anticipated relief did not materialize. The fan did not budge. It did not seem to be working. Puzzled, I got up to check as I thought it was malfunctioning. Everything seemed to be intact, but on closer examination, I realized that it was not plugged into the socket. It was therefore lacking the power it needed to do its job. By itself, it could not function, it couldn’t fulfill the purpose for which it was created, but as soon as it was connected to the source of power, it was good to go.  It provided a cool refreshing breeze to combat the fierce heat, providing a sense of comfort and relief. Problem solved!


Like that electric fan that cannot function without a power source, a child of God cannot effectively live the Christian life if he is not plugged into the ultimate source, God Almighty, the God of power and might. To plug into God is to abide in Him. But what does it mean to abide? It means to rest in, to stay in Gpd. It means time spent in fellowship and communion with God in order to hear Hs voice and to be filled with His power. Abiding in God requires time and effort. It requires commitment, patience and consistency. It is not something that can be rushed. It is an investment that will certainly pay dividends in the long run.


When a child of God meditates on the Word and hides it in his heart, he will not sin against God as David declares in the Psalms. The Word becomes his compass, a lamp unto his feet and a light unto his path. Abiding in the Word produces friendship and intimacy with God. It is in this kind of atmosphere that God reveals His secrets to those who have become His friends, his bosom buddies.


Abiding in the Word leads to a productive life as the child of God begins to bear fruit in love. I Corinthians 13 reminds us that the greatest virtue is love. All our efforts and attempts to live the Christian life is worthless if there is no love. When love dominates then the fruit of the Spirit becomes evident for all to see and thus the child of God begins to walk in purpose, doing the good work that God had prepared in advance for him to do, according to Ephesians 2:10.


So, take the time to honestly examine yourself. How are you living? How is God’s power evident in your life? Where are the fruits? If you are not satisfied, then make a check. Are you plugged in to the Source? Only by plugging in, abiding in Him, sitting at His feet and learning from Him can you produce the Godly fruit that He desires.


Without a source of power, my fan was dead. By itself, it could do nothing. But once it was plugged in, it began to function and change the atmosphere. It produced coo, fresh air. Likewise, apart from God we are nothing and can do nothing of value. But when we fully plug into Him, the source from whom we receive power, we produce fruit that remains and fruit that pleases Him. Plug into Him today, produce fruit and change your atmosphere.



 Father, forgive us of not abiding in you. Help us to rest in you so that we can produce fruit that pleases you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


  1. Amen, such timely word.

    I was recently musing on Jesus as my Source because I was ironing & realize the iron was cold and when I checked, it was plugged in but what it was plugged into was not on. So, I started to think about my Source.

    1. is timely indeed. We cannot operate without our Source.

  2. Thanks for sharing this word. A timely reminder.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Powerful message indeed and one that must not only be meditated upon but put into action! There are so many other analogies eg our water supply. If our taps are not connected to the main, how will we get the water when we turn them on?
    My sister, we therefore have no excuse if we truly want to bear good fruit.Thank you and God bless you richly.

  5. Blessings Sister Marcia. This is a lesson for all of us. The sooner we learn it the better for us.

  6. A very timely reminder, thanks lona

  7. Amen.
    FOCUS: Meditate Day n Night.
    In due season we will bring forth fruit.
    God bless you Sister.

  8. Powerful words, which reflects the role of a child of God if we are to be effective and bear fruit. Thanks for sharing

  9. Thank you. We cannot afford to perish for lack of knowledge.


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