Devotional - Look Beyond Your Circumstances


He who watches the wind will not sow and he who looks at the clouds will not reap. Ecclesiastes 11:4

The forecast of rain caused me to change my plans. The Met Office had advised that a cold front would move across the island between Thursday and Saturday and would result in cooler temperatures and showers. True to the word of the Met Office, there was rain on Thursday and Friday, both day and night. Normally on a Friday night, I would load my laundry into the washing machine and allow the clothes to soak overnight. On Saturday morning I would get up early and do my washing. Not this Friday night, however. The steady rain drumming on the rooftop gave the impression that it would certainly be more of the same the next day. It was shaping up to be a wet Saturday…or so I thought!

Saturday morning dawned overcast and very windy, but there was no rain in sight. I had an early morning assignment at church and so I left home by 7 am. As I sat in the church office and looked out I saw a bright, blue sky, with the sun streaming down in all its glory. It was a perfect laundry day.

Back home, I loaded the washing machine, ruing my mistake of not soaking the clothes overnight. By then it had started getting a little cloudy and I prayed that there would be no rain. I washed a few light pieces by hand, then did some other housework. By then the clouds had disappeared and the sun was out again.

I decided to take the plunge and begin washing, hoping and praying that it would not suddenly start to rain. I hate it when my laundry gets wet. Lo and behold, the day turned out perfectly. It was sunny and windy, the right ingredients for a perfect wash day. In short order my clothes were dry. My laundry was done! Thank God!

As I reflected on the situation, the Lord ministered to me. He showed me that often times we allow our present circumstances to deter us from doing the things we want to do. We allow fear and lack of faith to hold us back. He showed me that just as it was cloudy for a while, then became sunny again, He can re-arrange the circumstances of our lives and make room for us to move forward.  He can turn our rain into sunshine. He can turn our lack into provision. He can turn our despair into joy.

In order to come into the blessings He has for us, we need to look beyond our present circumstances.  The writer of Ecclesiastes states that constantly looking at the winds and the clouds will prevent us from sowing and reaping. If God has placed a desire in our hearts, we should pursue it regardless of the circumstances and trust Him to give us the results we desire. Oftentimes we are afraid to step out because of fear. That is the plan of the enemy as many times the things we fear never materialize. The enemy paralyzes us with fear, which leads to inaction on our part and thus we lose out on the blessings.

Be encouraged. Step out in faith and do what God has placed in your heart. Do not watch your circumstances. It is well.



What are the ways in which I have allowed my circumstances to prevent me from moving forward?

How can I overcome this?



Father, open my eyes to see the opportunities in front of me. Help me to step out in faith instead of cowering in fear. Give me eyes that see beyond my circumstances. In Jesus' name. Amen.









  1. Very potent word sis so very true amen to it all.

  2. Replies
    1. Amen and thanks. Every blessing to you and yours.

  3. A word for the “now” and for all seasons of our lives. This has convicted me. Thanks for your obediences

  4. Bless the Lord! I am so happy that this word has impacted you.


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