Devotional - Walking in Integrity


The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, beholding the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3)

Recently while I was on my evening walk through the community, someone stopped me for a chat,  commented on how consistent I was with my exercise routine and encouraged me to continue on that trend. The brief encounter was surprising on two fronts - one, I did not know this person and had not recalled meeting him, and two, I had no recollection of encountering him on any of my previous walks. 

All of that did not matter. I had never seen him but he had obviously seen me walking before and had taken note that I did so on a regular basis. I engaged him briefly in conversation, thanked him for his observation and continued on my way. 

As I thought about our conversation it opened my eyes to the principle of integrity which causes one to consistently behave in a moral and upright way, doing the right thing at all times, even when no one is watching.

Thankfully, I was doing no wrong. I was doing that which was good and beneficial to me. I had no clue that I was being observed. What if I had been doing wrong? This incident helped to reinforce strongly in my mind the need to consistently do what is right. It should not matter whether we are being watched or not. 

The Bible reminds us that the eyes of the Lord are watching and he sees both the evil and the good. While others may not see, God sees what we do whether good or bad. Let us strive to walk in integrity. For those of us who profess faith in God, our actions and speech should be in accordance with His word. Our actions and our speech should be good and right and pleasing to Him above all else.


Lord, please help me to walk in integrity before you. Let my actions be beneficial to those with whom I come in contact. Let my words build up and not tear down others. In Jesus' name. Amen,


  1. Amen. It is very important to be reminded that whatever I do, good or bad, God is always watching. Being obedient to the Lord, whatever I do I will do as unto the Lord.

  2. God is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent. No matter what we do or say He sees and know whether we are good or bad. Selah


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