Motivational Thought - Beauty Out of Chaos


Have you ever admired the beauty of a piece of embroidery? It is truly a sight to behold, one that brings a sense of pleasure to the onlooker, and satisfaction to the one who made it. Beauty, indeed, is in the eyes of the beholder.

But have you ever looked at the reverse side of that same piece of embroidery? What is beneath belies what is above. Underneath is a maze of seemingly chaotic, uncoordinated, and confusing threads. There seems to be no pattern. Everything seems disjointed and out of place. A messy affair indeed!

But the finished product, the beautiful design above, carries an all-important and comforting message of hope. There is a method to the apparent madness.  God will make something beautiful out of the brokenness of life. He gives beauty for ashes. He brings beauty out of chaos. He makes crooked paths straight and rough places smooth.

Trust Him today. Give Him all your hurts, pains, anger, and suffering. He will turn it around for good and for His glory.



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