Devotional - What's Blocking Your View?


Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. 

Colossians 3: 2

I looked through my office window and saw one of the stray cats on the compound playing next to my car in the parking lot.  He seemed to be quite happy playing by himself, jumping and prancing, and chasing his tail.  In fact, he was having fun! Then suddenly he darted under the car and was blocked from my view. I watched for a few more seconds, but he did not emerge. He was definitely there, but I could not see him.

And so it is with God. There are times when we can clearly see Him at work in our lives. Life is good, we are in good health, and our families and friends are doing well. Everything is going according to our plans and we have no doubt that He is in control. 

But then things change. Our health fails, financial difficulties arise, our children are out of control and we wonder where God is. He is nowhere to be found. 

Let us remember that God is right there even though we can't see or feel Him. He is still working, but it is not obvious to us. For a season, He chooses to work behind the scenes, orchestrating the events of our lives for our good and for His glory.

In the natural, things can become overwhelming and the circumstances of life will seem to block Him from your view. But with the eyes of the Spirit, He can be discerned. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things. Be patient. Be at rest. Be assured that God is still in control. Let nothing block your view. 


1. What are the things that prevent me from seeing God at work in my life?

2. How can I look beyond these things to see Him?


Father, open my eyes to see you at work. Help me always to remember and be comforted by the fact that you are with me and will never leave me nor forsake me. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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