Think on These Things - Do It for the Love


I have always wondered about people who do good and make it public knowledge. We often see it on television, in the newspapers, or on social media people doing good deeds but they are followed by cameras. It is commendable to do good, but more importantly, it is critical that our motive is pure. It's the heart posture that is most important. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart (1 Samuel 16:7).

The scripture also warns that we should not do righteous acts (good deeds) in front of others to be seen by them because if we do, we have no reward from the Father (Matthew 6:1). In the same passage it goes on to say that when you do good, you should not allow the left hand to know what the right hand is doing. (Matthew 6:3) You will receive the best reward ever from God who sees what you do in secret and will reward you openly at the time He chooses (Matthew 6:4)

By all means, do good, but do not blow your own trumpet. Jesus set the example in the Bible as he went about doing good - healing the sick, raising the dead, and giving sight to the blind among other things.  In many instances, He asked the recipients not to publicize His acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion.

Whose reward would you rather receive? Man's or God's? In this day of social media, instant gratification, and self-promotion, it is easy to get carried away and wear good deeds as a badge on your shoulder, but stop and ask yourself: Am I doing what I do because of love or am I doing it for the praise of others? Do what you do quietly and without fanfare. God may choose not to reward you instantly, but rest assured, He will not forget your labour of love. (Hebrews 6:10)

In the sentiments of a popular Jamaican artiste, do it for the love and not for the likes.



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