Devotional - Extend Your Antennas


My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.

John 10:27

It was proving to be a mammoth task to get a clear signal from the gospel radio station. I was unable to attend the function in person so I tuned in, hoping to listen to the outside broadcast. I was facing a huge problem, however, the sound was not clear. there was too much static and I could not hear clearly. I turned the dial up and down, trying to find clear transmission but to no avail. Then all of a sudden, out of the blue a lightbulb moment came. Extend the antenna! Why hadn't I thought of that before?  Eagerly, I extended the antenna to maximum height and immediately there was a remarkable and pronounced difference. There was absolute clarity and I was able to listen and enjoy to my heart's content.

This pronounced difference resulted from the fact that the radio antenna was functioning in the way that it was designed to function. Simply put, the antenna picks up electromagnetic waves that carry sound and thus I was able to hear the programme that was being carried on the radio. Prior to this, the antenna, though present, was underutilized because it was in a folded position. It was not being used to its fullest potential. But things changed when it was extended and was able to function at maximum capacity. It had found its right position.

For the Christian, the Holy Spirit is or should be, our spiritual antenna. But is this always the case? The extent to which we can tune in to the frequency of God and understand the things of the spirit is dependent on how much control the Holy Spirit has in our life.  The Word commands us not to quench the Spirit.  Are we led by the Spirit or are we led by the flesh? The Spirit brings life and guides us into truth, but the flesh brings lies, deception, and death. Where you end up is dependent on the voice you listen to and obey.

The radio station was transmitting but I was unable to hear clearly because my antenna was not being properly used. My failure to hear did not affect the station's ability to broadcast.  I needed to get in line. In the same way, God is always speaking, but sometimes we do not discern His voice.  The problem is not on His side but on ours. We need to get in line and position ourselves correctly by allowing the Holy Spirit free reign in our lives. Then we will see the difference that it makes as He leads us into all truth and in paths of righteousness.


1. Are you hearing God speak in your life?

2. What are the things that prevent you from hearing Him clearly?

3. What must you do to hear God more clearly?


Father, help us to fully yield to the Spirit so that we can clearly hear from you. Amen.


  1. There will be times that the antenna needs to be shifted to the left, right, back or front to get the best reception. Same way the Spirit will stir up our comfortable position so that we can be the best version of ourselves for His purpose.

  2. True words my sis. Our spiritual antenna needs to be up


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