
Showing posts from September, 2023

Devotional - Doing Good Works

For we are his workmsanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. Ephesians 2: 10 I needed a few items at the hardware but kept forgetting to visit one close to my workplace, so having made a doctor's appointment, I decided to visit one that was quite close to the location. I arrived early for my appointment so I decided to make use of the waiting time. The hardware store was only about two minutes away so I decided to walk instead of driving as that would be good exercise. I got to the store, ready to make my purchase, but alas, the building was empty. The door was open and I could see signs of renovation taking place, but there was no one there at that moment. Disappointed, I turned back and as I walked, I saw a blind man trying to navigate his way on the uneven sidewalk. I saw that he was about to collide with a light pole and so I called out to him. I guided him away from the obstacle and then enquired where he was h

Think on These Things - Forgive and Settle Disputes Quickly

  On Friday, September 1, 2023, I lost a friend. A few months prior, we had a small disagreement and we were both upset with each other. We did not see eye to eye on a matter but eventually, good sense prevailed and we apologized to each other, worked it out, and put it behind us. Friendship restored. Prior to that incident, she had mentioned that she was having some health challenges. After not seeing or hearing from her for a while, I reached out to her but got no answer. I reached out to her daughter who informed me that she had been hospitalized. I reached out again and thankfully was able to contact her. I kept in touch and prayed for her. After several weeks in hospital, she messaged to say that she was home. As I got home from work that Friday afternoon, she crossed my mind and I made a mental note to visit her on Sunday. She was a Sabbath keeper, and as such, Friday evening and Saturday would not have been appropriate times to call or visit. But that was not to be. Shortly afte