Think on These Things - Expansion


Has this ever happened to you? You buy a newer, larger cell phone and then the old one looks so small.  You wonder how you were so comfortable with that little thing all this time and why you took so long to upgrade. Or another scenario: you leave your small community to live in a big town or city and later on when you return, the place looks so small that you can hardly believe that you once lived there

In both instances, expansion has taken place. As you step out of your area of confinement, you embark on a learning curve as you grow into your new environment. You learn to adapt and change in order to become aligned with a new way of living, thinking, and acting. As your capacity for the new increases, you push past the growing pains and eventually conform to your changing environment and settle into the new norm. 

When you look back at where you once were it's not uncommon to feel a sense of amazement that in your state of ignorance, there was so much that you were missing. And now with an expanded mind and opened eyes, you can't go back. You have been stretched, you are learning and you are growing. You suddenly realize that the world is your oyster and that you can achieve whatever you can conceive in your heart. You are now exposed to new ideas, new people, new horizons, and new mountains to climb.

You have become new wine and you cannot be poured into old winekins.  You must forget what is behind and reach for what is ahead. Your latter years will be better than the former. The best is yet to come. Keep striving. Keep growing. 

Change is hard, but it's a must. It's a constant in life. Learn to embrace it and go with the flow. It's easier to swim with the tide than to swim against it. But in the end, it will be worth it.

Be encouraged, my friends.


  1. I love this piece as I can fully identify with these emotions. It was so amusing that I read it with a wide smile to the end. We definitely must forge ahead. Thanks for sharing, Lona.

    1. Thank you so much. It's a pleasure to share and encourage others to keep moving ahead and to enjoy the rewards that come from taking even the tiniest step of faith,

  2. Hey Loans you are so right - change us difficult but we have to embrace it and go with the flow. Good one Sis! (Dahlia)

    1. Hey my friend Dahlia, thanks for your input. Blessings to you.


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