Devotional - Restoring the Broken

Jeremiah 18:4 

And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.

I lifted the lid off the toilet tank to check why it was not filling up with water and to my surprise, it fell to the floor and broke in two. Shocked, I tried to figure out how this accident happened. I thought I had a firm grip but my hands failed me when I needed them most.

I pondered what my next move should be. The rest of the toilet was in good working order, but I was not sure that I could source a replacement lid. It might mean that I would have to replace the entire toilet, which meant spending money I had not expected. 

I gathered the broken pieces, intending to throw them away, but I needed a box to put them in. So I rested them in a corner of the bathroom and went looking for a box, a search which proved futile. 

I advised my plumber of the situation and he decided to do some checks to source a lid but that also proved futile. 

Then suddenly I had a lightbulb moment. Maybe I could use some super glue to hold the pieces together! I made the suggestion to my cousin who at the time was doing some painting for me. He reluctantly agreed to try and the result was amazing. The pieces held together and on top of that, he used some white paint to give it a brand-new look. Looking at that toilet seat, you would never suspect that it had been broken. It had been restored and renewed and functioning well.  I am so happy that I did not follow through on my plan to throw it away. 

As I reflected on the incident, the words of a song came to mind:

A vessel of honour I am today, and all because Jesus didn't throw the clay away.

We are who we are today because God did not, and has not given up on us. He did not turn His back on us and did not throw us away. He saw potential and worth in us and kept on using our trials and circumstances to mould us and make us into who He wants us to be. Though we were marred, He gave us a second chance.

Are there broken places in your life? Do you feel like throwing in the towel? There is hope. Give the broken pieces to God and watch Him rework them into something new. You will not be disappointed as He will cause all things to work together for your good (Romans 8:28). He is the God of the impossible. who specializes in restoring the broken.


Father, help us to turn over the broken areas of our lives to you so that you can turn them into something new. Help us to remember that you see value and worth in us and that you have good plans for us. Amen


  1. Amen
    Thank you for this Lona
    We're all a part of God's workmanship
    Being restore to perfection daily🙏💞

  2. Gid is good he always make a way for us.


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