Devotional - Jumping to Conclusions


Don't jump to conclusions - there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw.

Proverbs 25: 8 (MSG)

There is a saying that if jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport, many of us would be gold medal winners. This is a funny but very true statement. In fact, many of us, myself included, would not be just gold medal winners, but multiple gold medal winners. 

On numerous occasions, I have jumped to a conclusion on a matter before getting all the facts, and then later found out that I was totally wrong. One day this week,  I picked up my phone and realized that I had missed a call from a friend. Based on the time of morning that she had called, I assumed that she had called regarding a particular arrangement that we had in place. Immediately my mind went to work trying to figure out various options that I could take. Before I could settle the matter in my head, she called back, wanting my opinion on a totally different matter. I had been seen wrong. 

I'm sure many of you, my readers can relate. Oftentimes, there is a perfectly good explanation for things that happen, but instead of waiting to get the facts and expecting the best, our minds take us to the worst-case scenario, sometimes causing needless worry and anxiety. 

The Word of God offers a positive alternative Instead of worry and anxiety, seek wisdom, knowledge and understanding. Armed with these, we place ourselves in a better position to make an informed decision regarding how to respond. Things are often not as bad as they seem. Jumping to conclusions is simply wasted energy which makes us look foolish.


1. Do I habitually jump to conclusions before getting all the facts?

2. What can I do differently the next time I am tempted to do so?


Father, forgive me for being quick to make a judgement before fully understanding a situation. Help me to be slow to speak and quick to listen. Help me to seek wisdom, knowledge and understanding before coming to a conclusion. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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