Devotional - Don't Be Distracted


Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing.* Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42).

I took up my phone to register for an upconference which had caught my interest, but instead, got caught up in scrolling on Facebook. After some time I had enough and switched to another social media site. The flyer for the conference popped up on my screen and it was then that I remembered why I had picked up the phone in the first place. I had become distracted and lost sight of what I had set out to do. I had caused the unimportant to distract me from the important.  Thankfully, I was able to get back on track.

Distractions have a way of turning the focus from what is important. The story of Jesus at the house of Mary and Martha is one such example. While Mary sat down at the feet of Jesus and fellowshipped with him, Martha was busily distracted by all the work that had to be done. Frustration boiling over, she pleaded with Jesus to allow Mary to help her. 

Jesus' response to her request provided a teachable moment.  He pointed out that what she was doing was important, but not as important as the choice that Mary had made -  to sit at His feet and learn from Him. She had chosen the better part, and there was nothing that could change that fact. That was the one thing that was needed. It was more important to be fed by the word, to be revived, strengthened and renewed to take on the tasks of daily life.

In the daily hustle and bustle of modern-day life, we often find no time to simply sit and fellowship with God. We jump from one task to the next, ticking off our to-do list. This endless rat race robs us of our peace and joy. We feel like we are being pulled in all directions as a result of the various demands placed on us by family, work, church, community and other associations. 

 Time in fellowship with God must become our priority. We can do nothing unless we abide in Him (John 15:5). When we spend time in His presence, receiving His joy, and understanding that He loves us not because of what we do, but because we are His children, we will be energized to carry out His work and all the other things that we have to do. We will then be filled with peace and joy, instead of being anxious and distracted.


Father, help us not be distracted by the things of life. Help us to make time with you a priority so that we can be fruitful in the other areas of our lives. Amen.


  1. Amen what a powerful devotion and an on time one. My desire is right here: Thanks for the reminder sis!

    1. I am so happy that this Word has ministered to you. To God be all the glory. Continue to rest in His presence.

  2. You're most welcome.

  3. He said if u draw nigh unto him he will draw nigh unto u

  4. Sitting at the feet of Jesus because he is all our righteousness n his teaching is great, contiune to sit at his feet my dear sis.


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