Devotional - I Give You Hinds Feet


The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like hinds feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills. (Habakkuk 3:19 )

He makes my feet like hinds feet, and setteth me up on my high places. (Psalm 18:33)

Recently, I had a dream. In that dream, I was standing outside the post office in the village square of my small, St. Elizabeth community. Across the road was the house of the postmistress, Mrs Hinds, which was being demolished by a bulldozer. The structure appeared old and it was apparent that it was no longer useful. Close to the house being demolished was, however, a smaller structure which was fairly new and was spared from demolition. My instinct told me that this newer structure would form part of a new house that was going to be built.

In dream symbolism, a house usually represents an individual, so I realised that the Lord was communicating a message to me. Interestingly, in the dream I was standing in front of the post office, which suggests that some sort of communication was taking place. The fact that I was in the public  square meant that whatever the Lord was saying would be apparent for all to see.

As I reflected on the dream, a thought flashed through my mind - out with the old and in with the new. I knew then that the  Lord was telling me that he was going to do something new in my life. Then I asked, 'Lord, why did I see the Hinds' house? Why not my house? Immediately, the answer came. " Because I am giving you hinds feet! 

I was familiar with this Biblical term, but not in detail, so I decided to do some research and turned to the ever-reliable Google. What I found brought tears to my eyes. The hind, a red female deer, is a nimble and sure-footed animal that, with speed and agility, can leap from one rock to another without losing its balance. It has the distinction of being able to place its back feet exactly where its front feet landed. This distinct trait allowed it to skillfully navigate difficult and treacherous terrain as it flees from its predators. The hind can run therefore with confidence and fearlessness. 

What a promise! The Lord is giving me hinds feet so that I can be empowered to run with confidence the race set before me. He is giving me the tools to soar above the high hills of difficult circumstances, to mount up with wings as eagles (Isaiah 40:31) He is giving me renewed strength to outrun and outperform the predators that seek to rob me of the joy, peace and the abundant life that He has promised. 

However, that promise is not just for me. It is for all of God's children as well. It is open to all who will believe and receive. He desires us to walk in victory, and to be confident as we face the challenges of life. This is possible because His Spirit empowers us to overcome because we are more than conquerors through Him. Let us then hold firmly to the promise, confident that with Him, we can accomplish more than we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20) 

God is calling us to a higher place in our relationship with Him. He is reminding us to change our way of thinking, renewing our minds instead of being conformed to this world. (Romans 12:2). He wants to do a new thing. Out with the old and in with the new!


Father, you are our strength and firm foundation. I thank you that you have given us hinds feet to overcome every trial and tribulation. Thank you that in you we have victory over our enemies. In Jesus' name. Amen.


  1. This is lovely. Thank you sister πŸ™πŸΌπŸ₯°

  2. Amen “Out with old and in with the new” our God is super amazing

  3. Lona May God continue to bless you as you seek to be a blessing to others.

    1. Thank you. It is my pleasure to be used by Him.

  4. These words are very encouraging and give focus on what Father God is saying, for me to continue to work hard as he gives direction to achieve the goals which he has helped me to set. Yes, the Lord has given us hind feet. May he strengthen us as we journey forward together sisters. Amen!

  5. Amen. Be blessed my friend. Continue to rest in Him and allow Him to renew your strength.

  6. This is very inspirational the Lord is taking u to higher level so u will run thru troops n leap over wall on hinds feel n u shall nevet grow weary, may the Grace of God be upon u

    1. Thank you so much. I pray that He does the same for you. Blessings.

  7. This devotional shows great insight. It speaks into my present situation. The LORD is doing a new thing in my life. Also giving me hinds feet. Amen

    1. Wow...that is so awesome! Continue to lean on Him as He ushers you into a new season.


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