Devotional - Restoring the Broken - Part 2


Yet you, Lord are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter. We are all the work of your hand.
Isaiah 64:8

God continues to impart valuable spiritual lessons through seemingly mundane and pedestrian events of  life. Saturday, July 13, 2024, was one such event when he showed up and showed off, reminding me that He loves me and is aware of even the simple things that others might just shrug off, thinking that is too trivial to even mention to Him. 

A few weeks prior, I decided to clean my fan. I removed the outer covering but struggled to replace it as it differed significantly from other fans. Instead of latches or hooks placed at points around the rim, there was one central point held together by a single screw. I did not have a screwdriver, so it was a difficult task as I had to proverbially 'tun mi han'. I had no such luck when I tried to replace it as I would have needed an extra pair of hands to hold it in place while I adjusted the screw.

The next best option was just to leave it off totally, so I placed it in a corner and made a mental note to get some assistance to complete the task later. Later did not come and so it continued to sit in the corner for a few days.  One day while at home in the raging summer temperatures, I had the fan running. As I walked close to it to retrieve an item, I felt a stinging pain on my arm and realized that the spinning blade, which was exposed, had cut me. In addition, the blade broke off and fell to the floor. 

Thankfully, the cut was not deep and I was able to stop the bleeding quickly. I decided there and then that it was now useless as it could not operate with one less blade. I tried to but it was struggling and making a lot of noise and seemed like it was about to topple over.  In my estimation, it was unlikely that the fan in its present state could not be fixed, so my only other option was to purchase a new one. God in His wisdom caused me to pick up the broken blade and place it on my nightstand for safekeeping.

On Saturday morning, as I stood at my window, I heard the voice of an artisan passing outside, announcing that he could fix broken appliances. My mind immediately flashed to the fan and I called out to him.  I told him about the broken fan and asked if it could be fixed. He was unsure because of the type of material that made up the blade but he decided to give it a go. I gave him the broken piece and he got to work

He whipped out his glue gun and after a few minutes of working, my fan was once again working perfectly at the highest speed. His charge was minimal and I thank God that I had saved myself from an unplanned expense because I had planned to purchase a new one. The broken had been restored and made new. 

God longs to do the same for you. Give Him the broken pieces of your life. Allow Him, the Master Potter, to make something new and beautiful out of your life. Submit to Him and allow Him to do what you think is impossible. He will make you a brand new vessel which is fit for His service to carry out the works He planned in advance for you to accomplish.


1. What are the areas of brokenness in your life?

2. Are you willing to turn them over to God?


Father, I thank you that you knew us from before we were in our mother's womb. Thank you that you have a plan for our lives and want to make something beautiful out of us. Help us to give you the broken pieces of our lives so that you can do the impossible in us for your glory. In Jesus' name. Amen.


  1. Amen! Nothing is impossible with God. What a difference it would make if we just allow God to correct the wrongs in our lives.

    1. That is so true. God is more than able. Thank you so much for shopping by big brother. Love you.

  2. Amen thank you God.


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