Devotional - When God Speaks


I collected my first royalty cheque for my published works in December 2016. I was thrilled and pleasantly surprised. Earlier that year I had attended a writers’ workshop and learned that persons who have published works could register them with a local copyright organization and would receive royalty payments at the end of each year. I was quite excited about this opportunity and so I set about registering my three published articles shortly thereafter.

When I received an email notifying me that my cheque was ready for pickup, I didn’t have high expectations about the amount that I would receive. I was cautiously optimistic, thinking that it could be about J$5000 if that much. When I looked at my cheque, my eyes widened in disbelief as it was far more than I had imagined.


After I got home, I made a mental note to pay my tithe from the amount, as a dutiful Christian should. But then, a word flashed through my mind, “first fruits”. I quickly rejected it and pushed it aside. Perish the thought! Surely, it was just my mind playing tricks on me, I thought. And so I went on my merry way, with a made-up mind that I would give my tithe and not another cent.


The next morning as I got ready for work, I remembered that I had not listened to one of my favorite programs on The Breath of Change (TBC) radio the previous morning, so I made a special effort to tune in that morning.  When the introduction to the program started, I could not believe my ears! The topic that morning was… guessed it…..first fruit offerings! The preacher clearly explained that the first of any income, increase, crop, children etc. was to be given to God as a first fruit offering. The first fruit offering ensured that the rest that came after would be blessed. Since this was my first royalty payment, it was to be offered unto God as a first fruit offering.


I could not deny it, God was indeed speaking to me. I knew for sure that it was not my mind. He spoke, and then He confirmed His word by allowing me to hear a sermon on the same issue the very next day. Right there and then, I repented and decided to be obedient to God. Scripture teaches that obedience is better than sacrifice so as hard as it was, I had to obey God or be prepared to face the consequences of disobedience. So as much as I had other plans for that money, I had to surrender them to God’s plan. One of my deepest desires was to be sensitive to and obey the voice of God, so indeed this was a test for me; one that I could not afford to fail.


As I  reflected on the matter, later, I realized that it makes no sense to ask God to speak if we are not willing to obey when He commands us to do something - even if it stretches us, even if it takes us outside our comfort zone, even if it is hard or does not seem to make sense to our natural eyes. In any event, God does not always ask us to do something hard. Sometimes when He speaks, it is a word of encouragement and hope. Sometimes He gives us a promise. Sometimes He provides comfort. But when He gives us an instruction, we must be ready and willing to do what He says. So when we ask God to speak to us, when we ask Him to give us the ability to hear his voice clearly, let us also ask for courage and willingness to do what He asks us to do.



1. How does God speak to you?

2. How do you respond when He does?

3. What steps can you take to develop a closer relationship with Him?



Father, I thank you that you are always speaking. Help me to remove the distractions that prevent me from hearing your voice. Help me to be sensitive to your voice and do what you have instructed me to do. In Jesus' name. Amen.



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