We all go through storms, whether literal or figurative. It is part of this journey called life. It is reassuring to know that we can be at peace when the storms come. No matter how bleak the conditions around us may seem, with Christ is in the vessel, we can smile at the storm.

Jamaica's recent encounter with Hurricane Beryl was a terrifying and traumatic one for many. There was a palpable sense of panic,fear and anxiety in the air. But for those of us who hope in Christ, we can be assured that He is the anchor that keeps our soul and a strong tower into which we can run for safety. So though the storm raged, trees were blown down, and possessions were lost, we could have peace in the midst of the storm.

The eye of the storm is a place of calm; ironic, isn't it? Though the winds push towards the centre, they never reach because they are deflected back to the eyewall, by what is known as Coriolis force. This peaceful place could be likened to the presence of God, The Prince of Peace, where there is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. When we rest in the presence of God, no storm can rob us of our joy and peace. Though the winds may roar and try to get to the centre where there is peace, they will never succeed. There will always be peace in the midst of the storm. 

This brings to mind the story of Jesus and his disciples caught in a storm while in a boat at sea (Mark 4: 38-40). The disciples panicked at the rising waves, believing they were going to drown, while Jesus was fast asleep, at ease in Zion. They called out to Him to rescue them, even questioning his care for them, as He was totally oblivious to their plight. Jesus spoke to the storm, commanding it to be still, and then rebuked them for their lack of faith.

We too, can speak to the storms in our lives -hurricanes, sickness, financial ruin, whatever it is - and command them to be still. We can be at rest, fully confident that once we are in the centre of God's will, He will cause his angels to shield us from all harm and danger.

May Jehovah Shalom, the God of Peace, be with you today and always. Enjoy the song by Alvin Slaughter.



  1. Beautiful and peaceful. Thanks Lona!

  2. Very inspiring and thoughful

    1. Thank you. I am glad that you were blessed. Please share with anyone else who could benefit.


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