Devotional - Send the Light

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16.

After the passage of Hurricane Beryl in Jamaica, there was a video in circulation which highlighted a woman singing the first verse and chorus from the song, Send the Light which reads thus:

There's a call comes ringing o'er the restless waves
Send the light, send the light
There are souls to rescue
There are souls to save
Send the light, send the light

Send the light, the blessed gospel light
Let it shine from shore to shore
Send the light and let its radiant beams light the world forevermore

This video provided much comic relief in terms of the unusual delivery, with the singer doubling up as a musical instrument. 

The video went viral as an appeal to the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) to expedite the process of restoring electricity to thousands of customers who were left in the darkness without electricity for weeks.

Humour aside, the message of the original song itself is no laughing matter. It is a claríon call for the message of the gospel of Christ to be sent to millions who are lost in sin and are on their way to Christless eternity.

The urgency of the call cannot be understated. The Bible teaches that today is the day of salvation, not tomorrow.Tomorrow is not promised.

Thankfully, many clients have had their services restored, while others are still on the waiting list.

The call for the shining of the light of the gospel from shore to shore has been made. Many have taken up the challenge and have shared the message of salvation.

Many have responded by accepting the message, while others have not. There are still people in  darkness who have never heard the gospel of Christ and need to hear the good news before it is too late. They need the light of the gospel to shine on them,  to deliver them from the kingdom of darkness and transport them into the Kingdom of Light. That light can only be carried by the children of light.


What is your response to this call? 

1. Will you send the light? 

2. Will you be the light? 

3. Will you go?


Father, help me to shine my light so that men will see my good work and come to glorify you. Help me to be a light which makes a difference in this dark world. Amen


  1. My dear Sister every time I read your blog it gives me that sense of peace in my soul.
    God has chosen you to be a beacon of hope for His children.
    You are God's light that shines bright through the darkness. God gives you the ability and purpose you to speak to His children. I thank God for you my Child. Keep on keeping on in Jesús Name.

    1. Thanks for your kind words cuz. It is a joy to be used by Him to edify the body of Christ through my writing. I am using what He has put I my hand. To Him be all the glory.


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