Devotional - Pardon our Progress

For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

Philippians 2:13


As I exited my vehicle at work one morning, I looked across to the newly constructed extension to the parking lot admiring how beautiful, spacious and well laid out it was. It was a sight to behold! My mind then went back to the previous day, when two of my neighbours, having passed the location that day, were very impressed with what they saw and mentioned it to me. I looked on with a sigh of relief, happy with the fact that there would be no more parking problems, at least for a very long time. 

As I reflected on the new upgrade, the words 'pardon our progress' flashed across my mind, and this time, my mind was taken back to the days when the work was in progress. Often used in the field of construction, these words are usually mounted on a sign alerting the public that even though there is a lot of chaos, noise, dust, confusion and inconvenience, something new and better which will be worth their while, is in the making. And indeed that was our experience.

It was a messy, unpleasant, uncomfortable and irritating affair. For the period of time when construction was taking place, my department, being closest to the site, had much to endure. Theer were days when there was constant drilling and noise that made the environment and extremely difficult to work in. So loud was the drilling on the first day that we all thought it was an earthquake as the building shook violently. By afternoon our vehicle were covered with dust. There were days when we had to make an early exit from work as we could not concentrate because of the noise and inconvenience. It was miserable! When the ground was paved and asphalted, some persons developed health issues such as headaches and sinus infections. Will this work ever end? we wondered. It couldn't be soon enough.

By the grace of God, we survived the ordeal. The work did end and now there was a brand new, spanking extension to the parking lot, which was now able to accommodate employees and visitors to the office in a more comfortable environment. We were able to pardon the progress and were now benefitting from something bigger and better. The pain had turned to gain. It was worth it!

Every one of us is a construction site. God is working in us to refine and mold us, making us into a better version of ourselves. The journey to this better version of ourselves is not an easy one. It is sometimes messy and painful but if we persevere and do not allow ourselves to grow weary we will reap the rewards.

How does God work in us? 

God disciplines those He loves and so sometimes He allows trials and tribulations to come our way. The aim is to make us, not break us, to make us better, not bitter. In James 1:2 - 4, we are encouraged to count it all joy when we grow through trials, because trials produce patience in us. God is working in us to make us perfect and complete, lacking nothing. He wants to produce kinder, gentler, more loving children who are transformed in the image of His dear Son, and represent Him, as Ambassadors in this world.

We are a work in progress. The road to perfection is not an easy one. We make mistakes and we rise and fall. But there is no need to despair. Like the just man who falls seven times and gets up each time we should persevere as we travel to road to perfection in Him We are all in this together so we should remember that as He gives us grace, we should also give grace to each other. As God works to refine and transform us, we should say to each other, pardon our progress, as we seek, under God, to become better versions of ourselves. Then He will find pleasure in us. The pain has turned to gain. It's worth it!


1. How do you sense God working in your life?

2. Are you willing to submit to Him and allow Him to transform you?


Father, I thank you that you are working in us to transform us into the image and likeness of your Son. 

Help us to be totally surrendered to your will and your way, so that we will become the persons you desire us to be. In Jesus' name. Amen.


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