Devotional - Seeing God in the Little Things

 September 9, 2024

Before they call, I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear.

Isaiah 65:24 (NIV)

It’s amazing how God often shows up in the simple and seemingly insignificant things of life. Two recent incidents in the past two days have securely cemented this fact in my mind and are the inspiration behind today’s devotional. Incidentally, I had planned to go into a totally different direction for this week’s blog, but on two different occasions, as I sat down and tried to put pen to paper, I had a terrible case of writer’s block. My thoughts were not flowing and there was almost a sense of mental paralysis. I decided, on both occasions, to take a step back. In hindsight, I can see that what I faced both times was God’s re-direction.

Yesterday, I went through a time of being angry and impatient with God. I was upset because He had made me a promise a long time ago and it has still not yet been fulfilled. I am sure you have all been in such a position and can understand how I felt. So, as I wrestled with God in my mind, I turned on the radio and received a word of encouragement in the song, which was playing on air, God Has a Way of Working It Out. Immediately my perspective began to change as I was reminded that God works in ways I cannot imagine and that He sees the big picture of my life, so He knows best. As I pondered on this, another song, Praise Him in Advance came to mind. My faith was strengthened, and I resolved in my mind that I would use the weapon of praise to confuse the enemy. My mind was a battlefield and the only way to win was to fight with the weapons of warfare given to me by God. As I began to sing and command my soul to bless the Lord, my burden started to lift. Then later on, I heard the song, God will make a way, where there seems to be no way. There was no denying that God was speaking loud and clear.

God was not through with me yet! This morning, He spoke to me through a simple gesture, which came as a surprise to me. As I finished my walk, my walking partner handed something to me and said, ‘little things’. When I looked down, I realized that she had given two pens. Shocked, I thanked her from the bottom of my heart. How did she know that I needed pens? You see, there was a time when I had numerous pens and then after a while, I was down to one. I knew I needed to get some more but kept forgetting to make the purchase. Then yesterday, while at church, I was ready to take notes, but when I checked my bag for a pen, there was none! The one I had was left at home in my journal. My usual routine was to have a pen in each bag as well as one in my journal. That way, there would always be a pen whenever I needed one. So, I made a mental note to get more pens this week. I didn’t have to go far. God saw my need and made provision by laying it on my friend’s heart to gift me with not one, but two pens. It was a little thing to her, but as a line from an old song says, little is much when God is in it.

I could have shrugged it off as a coincidence, but there are no coincidences with God. This ‘little thing’ served as a stark reminder that God is interested in even the simple and mundane details of life, the things that we often dismiss or think of as trite and pedestrian. There is a message for all of us. There is nothing too big or too small for Him to handle. As a loving Father who sees our need, He does not wait for us to ask. He supplies what we need according to HIs riches in glory. (Philippians 4:19). In His omniscience, he sometimes provides before we ask him or while we are in the process of asking. He is the good Father how knows even the amount of hair on our head (Luke 12:7) and freely gives us good and perfect gifts from above, (James 1:17) and if we ask for bread, He will not give us a stone (Matthew 7:9). He gives is what we need in His time and in His way. It is comforting to know that we can cast our cares on Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7).

As I continue waiting to see the manifestation of the promise, I rest in the fact that His ways are higher than my ways, and His thoughts are higher than my thoughts (Isaiah 55 :8). While I wait, He is building character, patience and perseverance in me. He is developing the fruit of the spirit in my life (Galatians 5:22) and will cause all things to work together for my good (Romans 8:28). He is working both in the big things and in the small things.

While I wait, I will praise Him. While you wait, praise Him too. Together we will see Him show up and show off in our lives.


  1. Can you think of an example when God showed up in something which you considered small or unimportant?
  2. How did it make you feel?


Father, please give me the grace to wat patiently on you. Renew my strength and help me to rest, while you work on transforming me during the wait. Open my spiritual eyes to see you in even the simple things of life and to always give you the glory. Amen.

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  1. Lovely blog ♥

    Oh yes!!! Whenever that happens, it makes me feel good and cared for; that He’s truly interested in every detail concerning me. I think He smiles during those times as well as He anticipates and watches my reactions 🙂

    Yes! It’s a good feeling to know that He cares. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts Dr. Tammy.

    1. Yes! It’s a good feeling to know that He cares. Thank you for stopping by and sharing your thoughts Dr. Tammy.


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