
Showing posts from June, 2022

Words of Inspiration

Watch the Finish: Keep Pressing Boxing Day started off on a rainy note. It seemed that the planned family gathering would not materialize. It rained and rained. It stopped and then it started again. The skies were gray and all seemed lost. But eventually, the rain stopped. The sun came out. The sky was blue. Lazy clouds drifted by. There was a gentle breeze. The early rains were now a forgotten bump in the road. My siblings arrived one by one. We talked, we laughed, we ate. We had a good day together. Who would have thought that it would have ended like this? The rain came, but it did not have the last say. It came to pass. So it is with life, my friends. Your beginning may be tumultuous. Things may seem impossible, but great things lie ahead. Do not allow a temporary situation to cause you to lose sight of your permanent vision. Go through the storm. Go through the pain. Go through the challenges, the hurts, and disappointments. Keep going. Don’t stop. Use your obstacles as st

Devotional - The Ultimate Father

  When my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. Psalm 27:10 Daddy. Dad. Papa.Pops. Pa. These are but some of the names we use to describe our earthly father, the person who gave us life, cared for us, and protected us as children.  This was the person to whom we looked for guidance and protection as we navigated our way in a big scary world filled with challenges and obstacles. We were comforted by the fact that there was someone to whom we could turn. We had no worries because our daddy was present and provided the security that we needed. The love of a father is a life-changing experience for a child. A child develops a sense of safety and security when a father plays an active and supportive role in their life.  When a father teaches, loves, guides and provides, he gives his child the right environment which moulds him into a well-rounded individual, equipped with the right tools to make a meaningful contribution to society and the world at large.  Sadly, ther

Words of Inspiration

  A Lesson From WD-40 My chair at work was squeaking so I decided to apply some WD-40 in order to solve the problem. As I made a mental note to take mine to work the next day, I remembered the story behind the water displacement (WD) product, which was perfected, not on the first, second, or third attempt, but on the 40th attempt, hence the name WD-40. What a lesson in perseverance, dedication, and stick-to-it-iveness! What if the developer of the product had given up on the first, second, 20th, 30th, or even the 39th time? There would be no WD-40 today and the world would be worse off without it. So whatever you are doing, keep at it. Keep trying, keep pushing, keep believing. Never let go of your dreams. Remember that the darkest hour is just before dawn. Success might be just around the corner. If you give up, you deny yourself, your loved ones, and the entire world of something that only you, in your uniqueness, were designed by God to give to the world. Don't quit!