
Showing posts from November, 2022


  Every human has needs that must be satisfied in order for life to be meaningful and fulfilling. One such need is the need to belong. This came to mind recently as I did my customary early morning walk in my community. As I arrived at the playfield I saw familiar faces of persons I had come to know since moving into the community five years ago.  We greeted each other and chatted as we walked and that made the experience a more pleasant and memorable one. On the way home, I met other members of the community, with whom I stopped to have brief conversations. I returned home feeling revived, energized, and with a great sense of well-being. I noticed a marked difference between this particular morning and the other mornings when I walked alone and did not have much interaction with anyone. On those mornings that I walked alone, I felt good after my exercise, but the interaction with others on this particular morning had added the element of the human touch, making it all the more special

Bible Verse - Isaiah 43:19

  New Living Translation For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. 43-19.htm Good day, my friends.  Just stopping by for a brief word of encouragement which I hope will cause us to reflect on God and allow Him to have his way in our lives. The passage above speaks to God wanting to do a new thing in our lives. God's arms of love and mercy are always extended to us. The fact that we are alive and well is evidence that He continues to do new things in our lives on a daily basis. In Lamentations 3 it is stated that his mercies are never ceasing and are new every morning. Indeed He is faithful. He lavishes His love on us whether we deserve it or not. He sends rain on the just and on the unjust. There are times when God wants to do new things in our lives but those things will not be done until we partner with Him. In order for that

Devotional - Never Give Up

    I press on toward the goal…..Philippians 3:14   One evening on my way from work to church I decided to try a new route. The traffic was unusually heavy and I did not want to be late. With that in mind, I made my way hesitantly to this route on which I had never driven before. In fact, I had passed that way only once before and at that time I was a passenger, not the driver. In addition, I had come from the opposite direction, and even though I am not directionally challenged, I was not sure of the exact turns which I needed to make. I decided to feel my way along, hoping and praying that things would work out somehow and I would arrive at my destination – church. As I drove along I looked for landmarks that I could remember from my first trip through the area. Night had started to fall and I started to get that feeling that somehow the place looked a little different from what I remembered. Had I missed a turn? Now I wasn’t sure if I was on the right track. The road ahead