
Showing posts from February, 2023

Motivational Thought - Perspective

  Wanting a change of scenery, I left my desk and sat at another desk across the room. I looked up and realized, to my surprise, that from this new vantage point, the office looked like a totally different place. I could not believe my eyes! Oh, what a change of seat can do! Life is like that. Our perspective determines the way we view the issues and circumstances of our lives. As the saying goes, one man's meat is another man's poison. Where I see a 6, you may see a 9.  Our exposure, or lack thereof, upbringing, environment, educational level, and socialization are but some of the factors that shape our perspective and which in turn, inform the way we see and experience life. As we grow and mature, our perspectives change and we view life differently. A change of attitude is often the catalyst that propels us to a new and different level. Indeed, our attitude determines our altitude.  Do you want to change your life? Change your attitude. Change your perspective.

Devotional - Your Best Interest

  For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)   Years ago, a well-known and established Jamaican financial institution ran an advertisement on television that ended with the words, “We have your best interest at heart. Full stop.” Those were powerful words. And I am sure that many potential investors believed those words and as such, took the bold step to open investment accounts with that institution. Such a move  would amount to an act of faith, believing that the institution would manage the funds invested in a responsible way, thus yielding handsome returns at the maturity date.  The drawback with this, however, is that those expected returns are not guaranteed. A myriad of things could go wrong in the financial sector. The stock market could crumble, investment deals could go awry and the list goes on.  There is simply no way for anyone or any financial inst

Motivational Thought - Beauty Out of Chaos

  Have you ever admired the beauty of a piece of embroidery? It is truly a sight to behold, one that brings a sense of pleasure to the onlooker, and satisfaction to the one who made it. Beauty, indeed, is in the eyes of the beholder. But have you ever looked at the reverse side of that same piece of embroidery? What is beneath belies what is above. Underneath is a maze of seemingly chaotic, uncoordinated, and confusing threads. There seems to be no pattern. Everything seems disjointed and out of place. A messy affair indeed! But the finished product, the beautiful design above, carries an all-important and comforting message of hope. There is a method to the apparent madness.  God will make something beautiful out of the brokenness of life. He gives beauty for ashes. He brings beauty out of chaos. He makes crooked paths straight and rough places smooth. Trust Him today. Give Him all your hurts, pains, anger, and suffering. He will turn it around for good and for His glory. Source: http