
Showing posts from October, 2023

Think on These Things - Expansion

  Has this ever happened to you? You buy a newer, larger cell phone and then the old one looks so small.  You wonder how you were so comfortable with that little thing all this time and why you took so long to upgrade. Or another scenario: you leave your small community to live in a big town or city and later on when you return, the place looks so small that you can hardly believe that you once lived there In both instances, expansion has taken place. As you step out of your area of confinement, you embark on a learning curve as you grow into your new environment. You learn to adapt and change in order to become aligned with a new way of living, thinking, and acting. As your capacity for the new increases, you push past the growing pains and eventually conform to your changing environment and settle into the new norm.  When you look back at where you once were it's not uncommon to feel a sense of amazement that in your state of ignorance, there was so much that you were missing. An

Think on These Things - Take Care of the Elderly

It pains my heart to see elderly persons on the road seeking assistance from strangers. This is not a fate that should be suffered by anyone, especially the elderly, who have often worked hard to provide for their children, many of whom are now grown and have left their parents to fend for themselves. In the majority of cases, I believe, parents have made huge sacrifices for their children and should now enjoy the fruits of their labour, being pampered and cared for by those children who they have raised. This morning as I walked in a plaza in Half Way Tree, I came across a dear old lady standing there with a forlorn look on her face. She stopped me, asking for a contribution to help her purchase medication for glaucoma at the pharmacy. It would have cost little or nothing at the Drug Serv Pharmacy, but the drug was out of stock there, so she had to purchase it at a more expensive pharmacy.  I could not pass her without stopping so I spent a few minutes talking to her. I asked about he

Think On These Things - The Gift That Keeps on Giving

    In 2014, I acquired a hospital bed for my ailing father. He was totally bedridden and couldn’t help himself, so everything had to be done for him. It was becoming increasingly difficult to care for him on his regular bed and so my sister suggested that we purchase a hospital bed. My research revealed that the cost at the time was in the range of $200,000.00, which was way out of our reach. After thinking about it a little more, I decided that I would reach out to a reputable charitable organization for help. My first attempt failed as none was available at the time. I was however able to acquire one on rental from another source. After about two weeks, I received a call from said charitable organization, inviting us to pick up a hospital bed. We were overjoyed as a family and quickly made the arrangements for pick up and in no time, Daddy had his new bed. He was delighted about his new bed and constantly expressed appreciation. Now he could sit up comfortably to have his meals and