
Showing posts from April, 2024


  In 2013, I was diagnosed with endometrial hyperplasia ( thickening of the uterine lining) and had to do a minor medical procedure to correct the condition. The problem surfaced again in 2020; this time, it was worse than in 2013. My gynaecologist insisted on repeating the procedure and I reluctantly agreed. A date was set, however, because of the Covid 19 pandemic, I was required to submit a negative test result before being admitted to the hospital. By God's design, I could not do the test on the day and as such, the hospital arrangements had to be shelved. I committed the matter to the Lord, asking him to reverse the diagnosis. A few months later, I repeated the ultrasound and it revealed that the measurement of the lining had reduced considerably and I was now in the safe zone.  In January of this year, I was again, out of caution, asked to do another ultrasound which, indicated that the lining was now at 5mm, which is the cut-off point., My gynaecologist advised that I should

Devotional - Jumping to Conclusions

  Don't jump to conclusions - there may be a perfectly good explanation for what you just saw. Proverbs 25: 8 (MSG) There is a saying that if jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport, many of us would be gold medal winners. This is a funny but very true statement. In fact, many of us, myself included, would not be just gold medal winners, but multiple gold medal winners.  On numerous occasions, I have jumped to a conclusion on a matter before getting all the facts, and then later found out that I was totally wrong. One day this week,  I picked up my phone and realized that I had missed a call from a friend. Based on the time of morning that she had called, I assumed that she had called regarding a particular arrangement that we had in place. Immediately my mind went to work trying to figure out various options that I could take. Before I could settle the matter in my head, she called back, wanting my opinion on a totally different matter. I had been seen wrong.  I'm sure man

Devotional - God Knows Best

  And  we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to  them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 The other day the insole of my slipper kept sliding up so I decided that I would have to take care of the problem. I thought to myself that some Patex would probably do the trick so I set out to buy a tube. Before that however, I called around to different stores in order to compare prices. I finally decided to make my purchase at a pharmacy near to my home. I arrived at the pharmacy but to my disappointment it was closed.  Then I had the idea that I could check at the store at the gas station near to me. I thought it was a long shot but decided to give it a try nevertheless. On entering the store, one of the first things I noticed at the cashier’s section was the packets of Crazy Glue hanging from a rack. Immediately I realized that this was exactly what I needed. Crazy Glue, not Patex. I gladly bought my Patex and left the store feeling quite