
Showing posts from August, 2022

Motivational Quote

  A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. (Chinese Proverb). Hi friends, just popping in to remind us of a simple truth stated above. It's something we often hear, but until it begins to resonate in our spirits and stir us to action, we have not really heard it.  My encouragement for you today is to identify a goal, make a plan and start making steps toward accomplishing it. A goal without a plan is simply a dream, so get planning and get moving. Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Tomorrow is not promised and procrastination is the thief of time. Time lost can never be regained, so make the most of the time that you have.  So dig deep, gather your courage and step out in faith in order to fulfill your destiny. Make the first step. Then make the next step, slipping in some courage, tenacity, motivation, determination and drive. Before you know it, what seemed to be the longest journey, will be over and you will be reaping the sweet rewards of your lab

Words of Inspiration - Things Can Change in an Instant

  It was very bleak and dreary when I left home for work one morning. If I had allowed myself to be influenced by what I was seeing, I would not have taken the first step to start the journey. But duty called and I had to be at work, come what may. So, with a heavy heart, I set out on my journey. I would rather be in my bed, but I had to press past what I was feeling in order to accomplish the task at hand.  Several minutes into my journey, I noticed that the conditions remained the same. It was shaping up to be a rainy, dark and gloomy day. Not the condition that would entice anyone to venture outside. I began to condition my mind for what lay ahead for the rest of the day. As I rounded a corner, I was met with the most beautiful rainbow and the brightest sunshine ever. Instantly my mood and outlook changed. I totally forgot what was behind me and looked with joy and great expectation to what was in front of me. What was behind me was no longer important; what was before me was much m

Devotional - Plug Into The Source

  I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much   fruit; for without Me you can do   nothing.     John 15: 5 It was very hot, muy caliente, and so, in a desperate bid to get relief, I turned on my fan. But the anticipated relief did not materialize. The fan did not budge. It did not seem to be working. Puzzled, I got up to check as I thought it was malfunctioning. Everything seemed to be intact, but on closer examination, I realized that it was not plugged into the socket. It was therefore lacking the power it needed to do its job. By itself, it could not function, it couldn’t fulfill the purpose for which it was created, but as soon as it was connected to the source of power, it was good to go.  It provided a cool refreshing breeze to combat the fierce heat, providing a sense of comfort and relief. Problem solved!   Like that electric fan that cannot function without a power source, a child of God cannot effectively live the Christian life if he is

POEM - Mama Was A Wise One

  Mama Was a Wise One   Mama was a wise one, she had a way with words, Mama was a wise one, mek mi tell yuh weh she used to seh!   Scornful dawg nyam dutty puddn, chicken merry, hawk deh near And when you ears too hard, she seh who cyaa hear will feel   Mama was a wise one, she taught us how to save She seh one one cocoa full basket, good advice she always gave   Mama was a wise one, leading us along the right path She taught us how to be patient, to meekly wait and murmur not   Mama was a wise one, she taught us how to pray Gentle Jesus meek and mild, each night at bedtime we would say   Mama was a wise one, she taught us the value of stability To stand our ground and not fool around, for a rolling stone gathers no moss.   Mama was a wise one, she taught us to be thrifty Not to compete with the Joneses, but to hang our basket where we can reach it   Mama was a wise one, she taught us to have a plan B Not to be swayed by so-so words, for