
Motivational Thought - Undo/Redo

  I looked at the document I was working on and realized that I had inadvertently corrected something that in fact, didn't need to be corrected. It was an innocent mistake, but thanks to the undo/redo feature in Microsoft Word, the matter was quickly rectified with the click of a button. I could go back and correct the error I had made without suffering any consequences. All I had to do was to select the undo option. And, if at any point I had a change of heart, I could simply select redo , and revert to the original text. How convenient! As simple and easy as it may be, what works for Microsoft Word, cannot work in real life. The mistakes that we make, innocent or not, cannot be erased at the click of a button. It behooves us then to be careful of the choices that we make - the things we do, the words that come out of our mouths, the way we treat others, how we use our time, and the people that we invite into our lives. Let us be mindful that we can never go back in time, so it

Devotional - How is Your Sight?

  The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of  light.    But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that  is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matthew 6:22-23) I overheard a humorous exchange between two ladies as I walked one morning. One was telling the other that she had, for a  while, been using her old pair of glasses because she had misplaced the newer one.  When she eventually found the new pair, she realized that all she had not been seeing was as clearly as she should have. Everything had looked so dull and unreal but she had gotten accustomed to seeing them that way and that state had become her reality. The new glasses, however, shed new light on things.  In her words |' everything seemed brighter and clearer .' She now had a new perspective. She was now literally seeing things from a new vantage point.  She lamented that she had not realized earlie

Devotional - Stay Connected

  Abide in me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.  I am the vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing. John 15:4-5 My new Bluetooth earphones provided me with a powerful reminder a few days ago. I was on a break at work and decided to watch a YouTube video on my cellphone. As I was doing so, I remembered that I needed to use the photocopier downstairs. I stepped away from my desk but forgot to take my cell phone with me. The beauty of this wireless earphone was that though I was not physically near to the cell phone, I could still listen from within a certain range. So it was not until I reached a point beyond the blue tooth range that I realized that something was wrong. The earphone speaker suddenly announced to me that I was disconnected. No sweat. I continued walking as I was confident that I could resu

Devotional - Knowing God's Voice

  My sheep hear my voice , and I know them, and they follow me John 10:27 Recently I was watching the Sports news on television. When a particular item of news came on, the video of the event came up on the screen, but the reporter's face was not shown. Even though I did not see a face, I instantly recognized the voice of the reporter. It was easy for me. I did not have to struggle because I watch the news on a regular basis and as such, I have become accustomed to not just the faces, but also the voices of various reporters. Distinguishing one from the others was therefore not an issue for me. This to me was simple, yet profound. We often struggle to hear the voice of God. God is always speaking but we do not always hear because of the clamor around us. In addition, we sometimes do not hear because we are not sure how to distinguish the voice of God from all the other voices we hear.  There are many other contending voices that can cause a sense of confusion and doubt, hence we re

Devotional - Unity in the Body

  1 Corinthian 12: 12 - 14 1 2  For as the body is one and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. 13  For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. 14  For the body is not one member, but many. I was in pain. I was experiencing a severe case of trigger finger and could barely use my left hand.  Only one finger was hurting but the whole hand was negatively affected. It felt very awkward and it took me twice as long to complete even the simplest of tasks. The slightest pressure on the finger caused severe pain. I could not grip objects or make a fist. It slowed my progress as I was not able to do things in the normal way.  Simple tasks that I took for granted and did without thinking were now proving to be quite difficult.  The problem with this one finger was causing a major problem. There was no denying the do


  Every human has needs that must be satisfied in order for life to be meaningful and fulfilling. One such need is the need to belong. This came to mind recently as I did my customary early morning walk in my community. As I arrived at the playfield I saw familiar faces of persons I had come to know since moving into the community five years ago.  We greeted each other and chatted as we walked and that made the experience a more pleasant and memorable one. On the way home, I met other members of the community, with whom I stopped to have brief conversations. I returned home feeling revived, energized, and with a great sense of well-being. I noticed a marked difference between this particular morning and the other mornings when I walked alone and did not have much interaction with anyone. On those mornings that I walked alone, I felt good after my exercise, but the interaction with others on this particular morning had added the element of the human touch, making it all the more special

Bible Verse - Isaiah 43:19

  New Living Translation For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland. 43-19.htm Good day, my friends.  Just stopping by for a brief word of encouragement which I hope will cause us to reflect on God and allow Him to have his way in our lives. The passage above speaks to God wanting to do a new thing in our lives. God's arms of love and mercy are always extended to us. The fact that we are alive and well is evidence that He continues to do new things in our lives on a daily basis. In Lamentations 3 it is stated that his mercies are never ceasing and are new every morning. Indeed He is faithful. He lavishes His love on us whether we deserve it or not. He sends rain on the just and on the unjust. There are times when God wants to do new things in our lives but those things will not be done until we partner with Him. In order for that