
Devotional - Extend Your Antennas

  My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. John 10:27 It was proving to be a mammoth task to get a clear signal from the gospel radio station. I was unable to attend the function in person so I tuned in, hoping to listen to the outside broadcast. I was facing a huge problem, however, the sound was not clear. there was too much static and I could not hear clearly. I turned the dial up and down, trying to find clear transmission but to no avail. Then all of a sudden, out of the blue a lightbulb moment came. Extend the antenna! Why hadn't I thought of that before?  Eagerly, I extended the antenna to maximum height and immediately there was a remarkable and pronounced difference. There was absolute clarity and I was able to listen and enjoy to my heart's content. This pronounced difference resulted from the fact that the radio antenna was functioning in the way that it was designed to function. Simply put, the antenna picks up electromagnetic waves that carry soun


  For several months I struggled with a terrible case of trigger finger - a condition that manifests in pain, swelling, and stiffness in the finger.  In this case, my right ring finger was affected.  The finger would get stuck in a bent position and had to be manually straightened. The pain is quite severe and is usually worse in the mornings. I tried several home remedies such as soaking in Epsom salt and baking soda, among others, but nothing worked. I was not enthused by the thought of undergoing another minor as I had done to correct a similar condition in the left ring finger in 2022. After the surgery, I experienced severe pain and I was incapacitated for about three days. It was not a pleasant experience, one that I did not want to go through a second time. The pain became more severe and being right-handed, it was becoming increasingly difficult to do even the smallest of tasks. It was difficult to grasp anything and things would often fall from my hands.  Just when it seemed t

Devotional - Sweet Sleep

  In peace, I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8 I woke up this morning feeling refreshed and energized to take on the new day. This is a gift that I don't take lightly. It is a blessing for which I am eternally grateful. But it has not always been like this. In the past, I struggled with sleep-disordered breathing, which caused sleep through the night and waking up feeling tired and unrefreshed, like I was at the end of the day, instead of the start. I often struggled to or stopped breathing in my sleep periodically. But God was faithful to me as I cried out to Him. He heard my voice and delivered me. A good night's sleep does wonders for the body and mind, providing a wide range of benefits including, but not limited to, improving the immune system, which in turn protects the body from illnesses, maintaining a healthy weight, as well as promoting good mood and improved cognitive abilities. By contrast, just one of poor sleep can r

Think on These Things - Bible Verse

  Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3: 5-6) Hello, friends. Today I share one of my favourite scriptures with you This verse has helped me to lean on God, especially in times when I don't understand. Even when I  think I understand, I know nothing because my wisdom is foolishness when compared to the wisdom of God. I have learned to trust the God who holds my future in His hands, the God who sees the end from the beginning and who promises to be with me always. I can trust in Him, knowing that He will work everything out for my good. It is a joy to know that He is in control and it is indeed well.

Think on These Things - Do It for the Love

  I have always wondered about people who do good and make it public knowledge. We often see it on television, in the newspapers, or on social media people doing good deeds but they are followed by cameras. It is commendable to do good, but more importantly, it is critical that our motive is pure. It's the heart posture that is most important. Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart ( 1 Samuel 16:7) . The scripture also warns that we should not do righteous acts (good deeds) in front of others to be seen by them because if we do, we have no reward from the Father ( Matthew 6:1 ). In the same passage it goes on to say that when you do good, you should not allow the left hand to know what the right hand is doing. ( Matthew 6:3) You will receive the best reward ever from God who sees what you do in secret and will reward you openly at the time He chooses (Matthew 6:4) By all means, do good, but do not blow your own trumpet. Jesus set the example in the Bible as

Devotional - What's Blocking Your View?

  Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.  Colossians 3: 2 I looked through my office window and saw one of the stray cats on the compound playing next to my car in the parking lot.  He seemed to be quite happy playing by himself, jumping and prancing, and chasing his tail.  In fact, he was having fun! Then suddenly he darted under the car and was blocked from my view. I watched for a few more seconds, but he did not emerge. He was definitely there, but I could not see him. And so it is with God. There are times when we can clearly see Him at work in our lives. Life is good, we are in good health, and our families and friends are doing well. Everything is going according to our plans and we have no doubt that He is in control.  But then things change. Our health fails, financial difficulties arise, our children are out of control and we wonder where God is. He is nowhere to be found.  Let us remember that God is right there even though we can't see or feel Him. He is


  It is so important to ALWAYS listen to and obey that still, small voice. This morning I left for work a 6 am. This is a habit that I have cultivated because I am not fond of driving in traffic. I quite prefer to make the sacrifice to get out of bed early and head to work when there is little traffic on the road. The journey is completed in far less time and with no hassle. And that has been true so far, except for today, May 5, 2023, the day Mexico celebrates Cinco de Mayo.  Yesterday, I received a package for a relative who also happens to be my neighbour. I was unable to deliver it at the time, and so, this morning,  as I walked towards my car, the thought came to me that I should deliver the package before heading out. I quickly brushed the thought aside. I reasoned that if I did so, I would be delayed by a few minutes and as a result, would get caught in traffic. I wanted none of that so I made the decision to deliver the package in the evening after work and headed on my way.